Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen. Luke 24:5

"On Easter, we awaken from the illusion of death into renewed life. We are propelled into higher levels of consciousness and greater expressions of good." Daily Word, Easter 2012.
Each day we awaken, we awaken to a new life, a new beginning. We have the blessing of a wonderful 'do-over'. All we have is now. The past is just that, the past. It holds no power over us unless we let it. The future is a big 'maybe'. We don't even know that we will be 'there' when 'the future' arrives.

The following is taken from Daily Word , April 8, 2012:
"I allow the Christ Spirit to rise triumphant in me. Boldly, I embrace a new way of thinking, an affirmative way of being, and a grand and glorious way of living. Today I celebrate renewed life!"
Happy Easter Karen.