Monday, July 5, 2010

100 Days of Positive Prayer

The photo above and those below were taken at sunset one evening during the summer of 2008 on St. Petersburg Beach, Florida. The water was clear and beautiful and my family enjoyed a picnic dinner on the sand and watched the sunset before we went home. We live 15 minutes from this spot. My heart aches for all the creatures who depend on this habitat and for the people who use, need, and enjoy it.
The members and friends of Unity churches throughout Florida are praying the following prayer for the Gulf for 100 days . Won't you join us?

(Invocation by Charles Fillmore)
I am now in the presence of pure Being, and immersed in the Holy Spirit of life, love, and wisdom. I acknowledge Thy presence and Thy power O blessed Spirit, and from Thy pure substance of love bring into manifestation my world according to Thy perfect law.
In a state of divine union with God, I open my heart to allow the energy of pure love and appreciation to flow from me to everyone and everything.
In the pure love of God, I am one with the earth, the air, the water, the soil, the trees, the plants and all their life-giving organisms. I am one with all beings on the earth. I honor, respect and cherish all living things.
In the pure love of God, I release all thoughts, behaviors, beliefs and ideas that are not in harmony with the highest and best good for all.
In the pure love of God, I make wise choices and take right actions to preserve our planet for ourselves and all future generations.
In the pure love of God, I hold all countries, corporations, businesses, organizations, institutions, and their leaders in prayer for harmony, peace, collaboration, wisdom and smart decisions for the highest and best good of our planet and its peoples.
In the pure love of God, I am united with all spiritually conscious beings. Together we hold the high watch for positive change for our world. In the name of all that is sacred, we daily lift our world family in prayer for health, peace, love, joy, wisdom, prosperity and safety. AMEN.
To the Gulf: I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.


  1. i am joining in with this prayer. I do believe that prayer makes such a difference. I looked back at your last post. Your granddaughters are beautiful. We are anxiously awaiting grand number 6 (5 girls and one boy). Congratulations on the birth of this new little one!

  2. Thank you, Julia! The little ones are my godchildren. You are blessed with 6 grandchildren! Blessings for a joyous birth of the newest one!

  3. I copied and pasted the prayer into a Word document so I could make the font bigger. LOL I'm putting it up next to my desk. Thank you for the opportunity to join in. xo, Jana


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