Sunday, July 25, 2021

Something From Nearly Nothing

Refurbishing Jake's Lovey

Lovey:  An object of affection.
               A child's comfort item.
            A child's sleep aid.
           A small child's companion.

My friend Kristen's little boy has a lovey.  A special item that he has had since he was born and adores so much that it was disintegrating rapidly.  Jake decided that because Mrs. Supper (me) made some repairs in the knees of his pants that I could surely fix his Bear Bear as good as new.  His mother was rightfully skeptical and told him that she didn't think that anyone would be able to fix him.  The poor thing was threadbare in places and the nose and hands were nearly chewed off! Kristen tried to discourage Jake from making the request.  He did it anyway.

I said that I would try but that I couldn't promise that I could completely fix Bear Bear.  Jake was convinced that I could.  I make dresses for his sister and his friends and I made the holes in his pants disappear.  Surely I could fix something as small as Bear Bear!

This was Bear Bear:

These pictures chronicle the repairs:

Jake was happy!
Me, too!!!

Thursday, July 22, 2021

 Disney Bound

Rosalie and Bay Max

About a year and a half ago my little friend Rosalie was going to go to Disney World for an adventure.  I had wanted to make a Disney Bound outfit with Bay Max from Big Hero 6 for a while and asked her mommy if Rosalie had seen that particular Disney movie.  Rosalie hadn't but Marnie (mommy) was enthusiastic about sharing the movie with her and liked the idea of me making an outfit with Bay Max in mind.  I had fun with this one but I was under a time constraint and the hand cut and zigzagged applique isn't my best work.  It did look charming on Rosalie, though, and she received many compliments while wearing it.  She also wore the outfit to school making me so happy to see her enjoy it!

An internet search provided a coloring page of Bay Max that I could adapt for the applique and my stash provided all the material needed to make the outfit.

Patterns:  Oliver + S Swing Set Skirt, size 5 and
 Simplicity #4206 adapted for the blouse
Fabrics, Etc.:  Red Imperial Batiste, gray mottled quilting cotton, 
white satin batiste, black and red ribbon 
Pattern Changes:  I lengthened and widened the sleeves for a prettier puff. 
 I switched the outer and lining skirt patterns so that the
 red lining would accent the hem of the skirt.

I doubled the white fabric and fused it together to make the white fabric less sheer.
  I didn't want the gray to shadow through.

A red headwrap bow made using a Little Lizard King pattern was the perfect accessary.

Bay Max was happy to have someone dressed to honor him!

Isn't Rosalie adorable?!

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

 Three Year Old 'Graduation'

Children's Corner Madeline For Rosalie

I LOVE this dress!  It was made for little Miss Rosalie two years ago (May 2019) when she was three years old.  I made it for her to wear to her preschool graduation.  Rosalie is one of my favorite little girls to sew for.  She is always so appreciative and effusive in her gratitude.  She warms my heart!  When she would come to school in something I made she would run to me and hug me and say, "Look, Mrs. Supper, I am wearing you!"  Oh, my heart! I can't believe that she is old enough to start kindergarten in August.  Her mommy, Marnie, started her first year as a teacher on my kindergarten team when Rosalie was less than a year old.  What a wonderful teacher she has become in such a short time!
Pretty shoulder covering ruffle edge collar

This dress took some serious time to make when you consider that it didn't have any smocking, applique, sleeves, or hand embroidery!  Those ruffles!  Oh, my goodness!  I thought I would never finish them! But oh, were they worth it!

The skirt took up more than the entire surface of my extra large ironing board!
I used Children's Corner "Madeline" to make this adorable circle skirted dress in a size 4.  It was my first time making this pattern and I wish it came in a larger size it only sized 1-4. (Probably because of the width of the skirt!)  I believe that it is currently out of print but it does come up for resale on eBay and Etsy occasionally.  If you see it, buy it!  It is totally worth the time you will put in to make it!  The fabric was from a fabric bundle I bought from Farmhouse Fabrics.  You can see what I made with the rest of the bundle using another Children's Corner Pattern HERE.

Rosalie loved it!  So did her mommy and grandmother!

Perfect dress for a spinning little Princess!!

Thank you for visiting!  Have a great day!

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Vintage Linens

 Another Sundress For Avaleigh

This is another little sundress made for my friend's first granddaughter several years ago.  This time I used a vintage cut work hand towel and some Cluny lace to fashion the overlay on the bodice.  All the materials came from my stash and I don't recall the fabric details.  I do remember that their wasn't much of the pink floral at all and I used ribbon on the hemline to conceal the tiny turned to the front hem.  There was just enough of the dark sage fabric to create the straps and the bloomers.  

The pattern is "Ginger", one of the early Violette Fields Threads patterns in a size 2.    This pattern was an easy one to make and fit well with the elastic casings in the back.  It was a favorite of Avaleigh's mother, a young woman I have known since she herself was a toddler!

Sundresses are perfect for hot weather! 
 I hope that you are staying cool and enjoying the pleasures of the season!

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Vintage Linens

 Avaleigh's Vintage Pillowcase Sundress


I have been missing from the blog world for a long time.  I still check some blogs and love to see what other people are sewing, cooking, reading, and crafting and... I have not been idle.  I have LOTS to share!  I now have lots of free time to do so now that I have retired from teaching after a 46 year career. 

This little dress was made for a dear friend and colleague's first grandchild several years ago.  I used a gorgeous hand embroidered vintage pillowcase for the skirt.  Check out that pretty crocheted edging!  (I believe that I may have the 'sister' to this case in my stash.  At least I hope I do!)  The fabric for the bodice is a lovely pansy print that matched perfectly that I had left over from making my daughter's Easter dress when she was two and a half.

The pattern used was an old one that can still be found online: " Medora's Sundress and Jumper" by Beaucoup.  I have used it many times before.  It slips over the head easily and ties on the shoulders.  It is cool and comfortable to wear in the summer heat.

I made a little tied bow headband using Little Lizard King's "Winnie Pinnie" pattern to go with it.

Using someone's beautiful handwork made long ago makes me so happy!  
I hope you have a day filled with happiness!